Check out our “New Patient Experience” below to see all the fun things you’ll get to do.

Come say “Hi” and get your Winston the Whale name tag.

Check out our cool color changing bubble wall. Can you find your favorite color?

See how many bubbles you can count.

Watch a movie in our front play area.

Or take some time to read a book.

We even have iPads to play.

Pick out your favorite color toothbrush.

Put it in your Winston goody bag so you don’t forget.

Try on our silly jacket to take some pictures of your teeth.

Say “cheese” while we take a picture with our special tooth camera.

Choose some sunglasses to wear, just like when you go to the beach.

Looking good!

All set to count your teeth.

You even get to watch a movie while Dr. Field starts counting.

Look at those pearly whites.

Time to brush with our fancy toothbrush.

Teeth getting super shiny!

You did it! Time to get your golden token.

Which prize will you pick from the toy machine?

That was s’whale!